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Xerox Phaser 3610 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

131-398Description: SMB client Fatal Error Cause: SMB Client fatal error.
050-141Description: IOT Zone T4 + TR3 Jam 050-141 is displayed in the UI. 074-100 is registered in the Error Log. Cause: When Dynamic Jam (cause) was detected: • 074-100 IOT Tray4 Misfeed Jam When Static Jam (collateral) was detected: • Tray4 Path Sensor On
024-371Description: Engine Communication Error Cause: Communication fail between MCU and ESS.
133-253Description: File Erase Error Cause: File erase error.
077-304Description: IOT Cover Rear Open Cause: The Rear Cover is open.

Xerox Phaser 3610 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

131-398Description: SMB client Fatal Error Cause: SMB Client fatal error.
050-141Description: IOT Zone T4 + TR3 Jam 050-141 is displayed in the UI. 074-100 is registered in the Error Log. Cause: When Dynamic Jam (cause) was detected: • 074-100 IOT Tray4 Misfeed Jam When Static Jam (collateral) was detected: • Tray4 Path Sensor On
024-371Description: Engine Communication Error Cause: Communication fail between MCU and ESS.
133-253Description: File Erase Error Cause: File erase error.
077-304Description: IOT Cover Rear Open Cause: The Rear Cover is open.
131-398Description: SMB client Fatal Error Cause: SMB Client fatal error.
050-141Description: IOT Zone T4 + TR3 Jam 050-141 is displayed in the UI. 074-100 is registered in the Error Log. Cause: When Dynamic Jam (cause) was detected: • 074-100 IOT Tray4 Misfeed Jam When Static Jam (collateral) was detected: • Tray4 Path Sensor On
024-371Description: Engine Communication Error Cause: Communication fail between MCU and ESS.
133-253Description: File Erase Error Cause: File erase error.
077-304Description: IOT Cover Rear Open Cause: The Rear Cover is open.