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Toshiba DP6570 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

CA3Description: Secondary scanning rough adjustment error
CBDescription: Saddle stitcher alignment motor is abnormal
E5BDescription: ADU transport start timeout jam
EA8Description: Finisher saddle stitcher staple jam
C45Description: Upper heat roller end thermistor abnormal

Toshiba DP6570 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

CA3Description: Secondary scanning rough adjustment error
CBDescription: Saddle stitcher alignment motor is abnormal
E5BDescription: ADU transport start timeout jam
EA8Description: Finisher saddle stitcher staple jam
C45Description: Upper heat roller end thermistor abnormal
CA3Description: Secondary scanning rough adjustment error
CBDescription: Saddle stitcher alignment motor is abnormal
E5BDescription: ADU transport start timeout jam
EA8Description: Finisher saddle stitcher staple jam
C45Description: Upper heat roller end thermistor abnormal