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Toshiba DP2500 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

C97Description: Vacuum fan motor abnormality
E14Description: Cassette 2 feeding jam (PFU)
E42Description: Side cover of cassette 2 or cassette 3 is opened during copying
C19Description: LCF feed motor abnormal (DP2000/2500 series)
C58Description: Communication error between IPC and finisher (DP2000/ 2500 series)

Toshiba DP2500 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

C97Description: Vacuum fan motor abnormality
E14Description: Cassette 2 feeding jam (PFU)
E42Description: Side cover of cassette 2 or cassette 3 is opened during copying
C19Description: LCF feed motor abnormal (DP2000/2500 series)
C58Description: Communication error between IPC and finisher (DP2000/ 2500 series)
C97Description: Vacuum fan motor abnormality
E14Description: Cassette 2 feeding jam (PFU)
E42Description: Side cover of cassette 2 or cassette 3 is opened during copying
C19Description: LCF feed motor abnormal (DP2000/2500 series)
C58Description: Communication error between IPC and finisher (DP2000/ 2500 series)