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Toshiba e-Studio 80 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

986Description: Duplex connection error 2 Indicates that there is a connection problem between the duplex unit and engine controller board.
996Description: LVPS error
996Description: LVPS error
932Description: Scanner motor error (SM) Indicates abnormal rotation of printhead scanner motor.
996Description: LVPS error

Toshiba e-Studio 80 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

986Description: Duplex connection error 2 Indicates that there is a connection problem between the duplex unit and engine controller board.
996Description: LVPS error
996Description: LVPS error
932Description: Scanner motor error (SM) Indicates abnormal rotation of printhead scanner motor.
996Description: LVPS error
986Description: Duplex connection error 2 Indicates that there is a connection problem between the duplex unit and engine controller board.
996Description: LVPS error
996Description: LVPS error
932Description: Scanner motor error (SM) Indicates abnormal rotation of printhead scanner motor.
996Description: LVPS error