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Toshiba e-Studio 307 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E310Description: PFP upper drawer transport jam (Paper not reaching the PFU feed sensor): The paper does not reach the PFU feed sensor after it has passed the PFP upper drawer feed sensor.
C4B0Description: Fuser unit related service call. Fixer counter data error
E552Description: Paper remaining jam on the transport path (when the cover is closed)
E030Description: Power-ON jam: The paper is remaining on the paper transport path when power is turned ON.
E150Description: PFP upper drawer misfeeding (Paper not reaching the PFP upper drawer feed sensor): The paper fed from the PFP upper drawer does not reach the PFP upper drawer feed sensor.

Toshiba e-Studio 307 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E310Description: PFP upper drawer transport jam (Paper not reaching the PFU feed sensor): The paper does not reach the PFU feed sensor after it has passed the PFP upper drawer feed sensor.
C4B0Description: Fuser unit related service call. Fixer counter data error
E552Description: Paper remaining jam on the transport path (when the cover is closed)
E030Description: Power-ON jam: The paper is remaining on the paper transport path when power is turned ON.
E150Description: PFP upper drawer misfeeding (Paper not reaching the PFP upper drawer feed sensor): The paper fed from the PFP upper drawer does not reach the PFP upper drawer feed sensor.
E310Description: PFP upper drawer transport jam (Paper not reaching the PFU feed sensor): The paper does not reach the PFU feed sensor after it has passed the PFP upper drawer feed sensor.
C4B0Description: Fuser unit related service call. Fixer counter data error
E552Description: Paper remaining jam on the transport path (when the cover is closed)
E030Description: Power-ON jam: The paper is remaining on the paper transport path when power is turned ON.
E150Description: PFP upper drawer misfeeding (Paper not reaching the PFP upper drawer feed sensor): The paper fed from the PFP upper drawer does not reach the PFP upper drawer feed sensor.