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Toshiba e-Studio 206L Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

EA29Description: Paper transport jam (stack transport delay): The buffer tray is extended to drop a stack of paper on the finishing tray but the previous stack has not yet exited. [MJ-1101/MJ-1106]
C1A0Description: LCF end fence motor abnormality: The LCF end fence motor is not rotating or the LCF end fence is not moving normally.
CBA0Description: Front saddle stapler home position error: The stapler home position detection is abnormally operated and finished. [MJ-1106]
E940Description: Stop jam at the bridge unit transport sensor-2: The trailing edge of the paper does not reach the bridge unit transport sensor-2 after its leading edge has reached the bridge unit transport sensor-2.
F120Description: Database abnormality: Database is not operating normally.

Toshiba e-Studio 206L Common Errors

The most common error codes.

EA29Description: Paper transport jam (stack transport delay): The buffer tray is extended to drop a stack of paper on the finishing tray but the previous stack has not yet exited. [MJ-1101/MJ-1106]
C1A0Description: LCF end fence motor abnormality: The LCF end fence motor is not rotating or the LCF end fence is not moving normally.
CBA0Description: Front saddle stapler home position error: The stapler home position detection is abnormally operated and finished. [MJ-1106]
E940Description: Stop jam at the bridge unit transport sensor-2: The trailing edge of the paper does not reach the bridge unit transport sensor-2 after its leading edge has reached the bridge unit transport sensor-2.
F120Description: Database abnormality: Database is not operating normally.
EA29Description: Paper transport jam (stack transport delay): The buffer tray is extended to drop a stack of paper on the finishing tray but the previous stack has not yet exited. [MJ-1101/MJ-1106]
C1A0Description: LCF end fence motor abnormality: The LCF end fence motor is not rotating or the LCF end fence is not moving normally.
CBA0Description: Front saddle stapler home position error: The stapler home position detection is abnormally operated and finished. [MJ-1106]
E940Description: Stop jam at the bridge unit transport sensor-2: The trailing edge of the paper does not reach the bridge unit transport sensor-2 after its leading edge has reached the bridge unit transport sensor-2.
F120Description: Database abnormality: Database is not operating normally.