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Toshiba e-Studio 206 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

C97Description: High-voltage transformer abnormality: Leakage of the main charger is detected.
F14Description: Invalid backup counter: The value of the total counter is inconsistent with that of the backup counter
F14Description: Invalid backup counter: The value of the total counter is inconsistent with that of the backup counter
F14Description: Invalid backup counter: The value of the total counter is inconsistent with that of the backup counter
E40Description: Transfer cover open jam: The transfer cover has opened during printing.

Toshiba e-Studio 206 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

C97Description: High-voltage transformer abnormality: Leakage of the main charger is detected.
F14Description: Invalid backup counter: The value of the total counter is inconsistent with that of the backup counter
F14Description: Invalid backup counter: The value of the total counter is inconsistent with that of the backup counter
F14Description: Invalid backup counter: The value of the total counter is inconsistent with that of the backup counter
E40Description: Transfer cover open jam: The transfer cover has opened during printing.
C97Description: High-voltage transformer abnormality: Leakage of the main charger is detected.
F14Description: Invalid backup counter: The value of the total counter is inconsistent with that of the backup counter
F14Description: Invalid backup counter: The value of the total counter is inconsistent with that of the backup counter
F14Description: Invalid backup counter: The value of the total counter is inconsistent with that of the backup counter
E40Description: Transfer cover open jam: The transfer cover has opened during printing.