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Sharp MXM620U Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

H4-00Description: Fusing section low temperature trouble (HL1) The set temperature is not reached within the specified time (normally 3 min or 5 min in the curl prevention mode) after turning on the power relay. When the heater lamp is not turned off in 4 min
E7-02Description: Laser trouble The BD signal from the LSU is kept OFF or ON. When the polygon motor rotation is started and three successive BDT signals of I/O ASIC are detected after forced lighting of laser.
F1-51Description: Finisher/saddle sensor connector connection trouble The connector connection detection input of the guide HP sensor is off. The connector connection detection input of the push lead edge sensor is off.
E7-60Description: Controller connection trouble Incompatibility trouble between the controller and the engine
F2-32Description: Process control trouble (Drum marking scan trouble) The drum marking size, density, or the number of units is improper.

Sharp MXM620U Common Errors

The most common error codes.

H4-00Description: Fusing section low temperature trouble (HL1) The set temperature is not reached within the specified time (normally 3 min or 5 min in the curl prevention mode) after turning on the power relay. When the heater lamp is not turned off in 4 min
E7-02Description: Laser trouble The BD signal from the LSU is kept OFF or ON. When the polygon motor rotation is started and three successive BDT signals of I/O ASIC are detected after forced lighting of laser.
F1-51Description: Finisher/saddle sensor connector connection trouble The connector connection detection input of the guide HP sensor is off. The connector connection detection input of the push lead edge sensor is off.
E7-60Description: Controller connection trouble Incompatibility trouble between the controller and the engine
F2-32Description: Process control trouble (Drum marking scan trouble) The drum marking size, density, or the number of units is improper.
H4-00Description: Fusing section low temperature trouble (HL1) The set temperature is not reached within the specified time (normally 3 min or 5 min in the curl prevention mode) after turning on the power relay. When the heater lamp is not turned off in 4 min
E7-02Description: Laser trouble The BD signal from the LSU is kept OFF or ON. When the polygon motor rotation is started and three successive BDT signals of I/O ASIC are detected after forced lighting of laser.
F1-51Description: Finisher/saddle sensor connector connection trouble The connector connection detection input of the guide HP sensor is off. The connector connection detection input of the push lead edge sensor is off.
E7-60Description: Controller connection trouble Incompatibility trouble between the controller and the engine
F2-32Description: Process control trouble (Drum marking scan trouble) The drum marking size, density, or the number of units is improper.