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Sharp MXM453N Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

L4-31Description: Paper exit cooling fan (POFM1/2) trouble
E7-29Description: LSU ASIC frequency error
U2-50Description: HDD/Flash memory registration data check sum error HDD/MFP Flash data check sum error (MFP PWB detection)
F1-11Description: Finisher grip operation trouble
U6-02Description: Desk paper feed tray 2 lift trouble

Sharp MXM453N Common Errors

The most common error codes.

L4-31Description: Paper exit cooling fan (POFM1/2) trouble
E7-29Description: LSU ASIC frequency error
U2-50Description: HDD/Flash memory registration data check sum error HDD/MFP Flash data check sum error (MFP PWB detection)
F1-11Description: Finisher grip operation trouble
U6-02Description: Desk paper feed tray 2 lift trouble
L4-31Description: Paper exit cooling fan (POFM1/2) trouble
E7-29Description: LSU ASIC frequency error
U2-50Description: HDD/Flash memory registration data check sum error HDD/MFP Flash data check sum error (MFP PWB detection)
F1-11Description: Finisher grip operation trouble
U6-02Description: Desk paper feed tray 2 lift trouble