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Sharp MX4501FN Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

F2-84Description: Half tone process control 2nd patch reference value trouble (BLACK) The low-density section output is greater than the middle-density section output when connecting the low-density section approximation formula and the middle-density section
A0-22Description: Machine level error (SCU detection) Combination error between the machine production/ remodeling and the firmware
F1-40Description: Saddle finisher punch power interruption trouble (MX-FNX2) When the punch unit power interruption is detected.
U6-21Description: LCC transport motor trouble • The encoder input value is not changed in 0.06sec after turning on the motor. • The encoder input value is changed after a certain time from turning OFF the motor. (After 5sec, count is made for 0.1sec to get 10
L4-11Description: Shift motor trouble When the shift motor is initialized, no characteristics change of the shifter home position sensor is not detected within the specified time.

Sharp MX4501FN Common Errors

The most common error codes.

F2-84Description: Half tone process control 2nd patch reference value trouble (BLACK) The low-density section output is greater than the middle-density section output when connecting the low-density section approximation formula and the middle-density section
A0-22Description: Machine level error (SCU detection) Combination error between the machine production/ remodeling and the firmware
F1-40Description: Saddle finisher punch power interruption trouble (MX-FNX2) When the punch unit power interruption is detected.
U6-21Description: LCC transport motor trouble • The encoder input value is not changed in 0.06sec after turning on the motor. • The encoder input value is changed after a certain time from turning OFF the motor. (After 5sec, count is made for 0.1sec to get 10
L4-11Description: Shift motor trouble When the shift motor is initialized, no characteristics change of the shifter home position sensor is not detected within the specified time.
F2-84Description: Half tone process control 2nd patch reference value trouble (BLACK) The low-density section output is greater than the middle-density section output when connecting the low-density section approximation formula and the middle-density section
A0-22Description: Machine level error (SCU detection) Combination error between the machine production/ remodeling and the firmware
F1-40Description: Saddle finisher punch power interruption trouble (MX-FNX2) When the punch unit power interruption is detected.
U6-21Description: LCC transport motor trouble • The encoder input value is not changed in 0.06sec after turning on the motor. • The encoder input value is changed after a certain time from turning OFF the motor. (After 5sec, count is made for 0.1sec to get 10
L4-11Description: Shift motor trouble When the shift motor is initialized, no characteristics change of the shifter home position sensor is not detected within the specified time.