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Sharp MX2300N Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

F3-22Description: Main unit tray 2 lift-up trouble LUD2 does not turn ON within the specified time.
U6-51Description: LCC incompatibility trouble Detection of LCC connection which is incompatible with the MX-2300/2700 **.
L3-00Description: Mirror return trouble Mirror return is not completed within the specified time.
F1-11Description: Finisher bundle process motor abnormality Bundle process motor trouble
CE-05Description: FTP server directory input error The entered FTP server directory is invalid. The entered SMB server folder is invalid.

Sharp MX2300N Common Errors

The most common error codes.

F3-22Description: Main unit tray 2 lift-up trouble LUD2 does not turn ON within the specified time.
U6-51Description: LCC incompatibility trouble Detection of LCC connection which is incompatible with the MX-2300/2700 **.
L3-00Description: Mirror return trouble Mirror return is not completed within the specified time.
F1-11Description: Finisher bundle process motor abnormality Bundle process motor trouble
CE-05Description: FTP server directory input error The entered FTP server directory is invalid. The entered SMB server folder is invalid.
F3-22Description: Main unit tray 2 lift-up trouble LUD2 does not turn ON within the specified time.
U6-51Description: LCC incompatibility trouble Detection of LCC connection which is incompatible with the MX-2300/2700 **.
L3-00Description: Mirror return trouble Mirror return is not completed within the specified time.
F1-11Description: Finisher bundle process motor abnormality Bundle process motor trouble
CE-05Description: FTP server directory input error The entered FTP server directory is invalid. The entered SMB server folder is invalid.