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Sharp MX2300FG Top Searches

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F1-34Description: Finisher punch motor trouble Punch motor operation abnormality
E7-06Description: Decode error trouble: Compression decode error (A compression file cannot decompressed.) A decode error occurs when forming an image.
U2-91Description: EEPROM (PCU) check sum error Check sum error of adjustment value (PCU)
F2-82Description: Half tone process control 1st patch reference value trouble (MAGENTA) The low-density rising point or the high-density saturation point cannot be calculated because of a calculation error in the primary approximation formula of the sensor ou
H4-02Description: Sub thermistor fusing section low temperature trouble (TH_US) The temperature does not reach the specified level within the specified time after turning on the power relay.

Sharp MX2300FG Common Errors

The most common error codes.

F1-34Description: Finisher punch motor trouble Punch motor operation abnormality
E7-06Description: Decode error trouble: Compression decode error (A compression file cannot decompressed.) A decode error occurs when forming an image.
U2-91Description: EEPROM (PCU) check sum error Check sum error of adjustment value (PCU)
F2-82Description: Half tone process control 1st patch reference value trouble (MAGENTA) The low-density rising point or the high-density saturation point cannot be calculated because of a calculation error in the primary approximation formula of the sensor ou
H4-02Description: Sub thermistor fusing section low temperature trouble (TH_US) The temperature does not reach the specified level within the specified time after turning on the power relay.
F1-34Description: Finisher punch motor trouble Punch motor operation abnormality
E7-06Description: Decode error trouble: Compression decode error (A compression file cannot decompressed.) A decode error occurs when forming an image.
U2-91Description: EEPROM (PCU) check sum error Check sum error of adjustment value (PCU)
F2-82Description: Half tone process control 1st patch reference value trouble (MAGENTA) The low-density rising point or the high-density saturation point cannot be calculated because of a calculation error in the primary approximation formula of the sensor ou
H4-02Description: Sub thermistor fusing section low temperature trouble (TH_US) The temperature does not reach the specified level within the specified time after turning on the power relay.