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Sharp ARS162 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E11 11Description: E-Sort PWB ASIC abnormality
F6 10Description: Communication trouble between MCU and FAX control WPB
U9 82Description: Communication trouble between MCU and the operation control PWB (Overrun error)
H4 00Description: Heat roller abnormally low temperature. When the temperature does not reach 155°C within 55 sec after turning on the power, or when it falls under 145°C during printing, or when it falls under 100°C during pre-heating.
E11 12Description: E-Sort PWB CODEC error

Sharp ARS162 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E11 11Description: E-Sort PWB ASIC abnormality
F6 10Description: Communication trouble between MCU and FAX control WPB
U9 82Description: Communication trouble between MCU and the operation control PWB (Overrun error)
H4 00Description: Heat roller abnormally low temperature. When the temperature does not reach 155°C within 55 sec after turning on the power, or when it falls under 145°C during printing, or when it falls under 100°C during pre-heating.
E11 12Description: E-Sort PWB CODEC error
E11 11Description: E-Sort PWB ASIC abnormality
F6 10Description: Communication trouble between MCU and FAX control WPB
U2 11Description: Counter check sum error. Counter check sum value stored in the EEPROM is abnormal.
H4 00Description: Heat roller abnormally low temperature. When the temperature does not reach 155°C within 55 sec after turning on the power, or when it falls under 145°C during printing, or when it falls under 100°C during pre-heating.
E11 12Description: E-Sort PWB CODEC error