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Sharp ARM208 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

F6 00Description: MCU-FAX communication trouble. Communication establishment error/ framing/parity/protocol error
CE 03Description: The specified server does not correspond during image transmission.
U2 12Description: Adjustment value check sum error (EEPROM)
F9 10Description: Printer PWB trouble. Communication trouble between MCU and printer PWB
E1 17Description: IMC smoothing IC abnormality

Sharp ARM208 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

F6 00Description: MCU-FAX communication trouble. Communication establishment error/ framing/parity/protocol error
CE 03Description: The specified server does not correspond during image transmission.
U2 12Description: Adjustment value check sum error (EEPROM)
F9 10Description: Printer PWB trouble. Communication trouble between MCU and printer PWB
E1 17Description: IMC smoothing IC abnormality
F6 00Description: MCU-FAX communication trouble. Communication establishment error/ framing/parity/protocol error
CE 03Description: The specified server does not correspond during image transmission.
U2 12Description: Adjustment value check sum error (EEPROM)
F9 10Description: Printer PWB trouble. Communication trouble between MCU and printer PWB
E1 17Description: IMC smoothing IC abnormality