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Sharp ARC330 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

L4 6Description: Transfer belt lift trouble
E8 1Description: ICUMAIN PWB - PCU MAIN PWB communication trouble (PCU side detection)
F2 81Description: Half tone correction (1st patch) trouble (CYAN)
U2 11Description: Counter data (EEPROM) check sum error (PCU MAIN PWB)
F2 40Description: Toner concentration sensor trouble (BLACK)

Sharp ARC330 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

L4 6Description: Transfer belt lift trouble
E8 1Description: ICUMAIN PWB - PCU MAIN PWB communication trouble (PCU side detection)
F2 81Description: Half tone correction (1st patch) trouble (CYAN)
U2 11Description: Counter data (EEPROM) check sum error (PCU MAIN PWB)
F2 40Description: Toner concentration sensor trouble (BLACK)
L4 6Description: Transfer belt lift trouble
E8 1Description: ICUMAIN PWB - PCU MAIN PWB communication trouble (PCU side detection)
F2 81Description: Half tone correction (1st patch) trouble (CYAN)
U2 11Description: Counter data (EEPROM) check sum error (PCU MAIN PWB)
F2 40Description: Toner concentration sensor trouble (BLACK)