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Sharp AR5420 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

L3-00Description: Scanner return trouble The scanner does not complete returning in the specified time. The mirror is not in the home position when OC copying is started with the mirror standby in the home position.
E7-11Description: Shading trouble (White correction) The CCD white scan level is abnormal when the shading.
L4-01Description: Main motor lock detection The main motor does not rotate. The motor lock signal is detected for 1sec or more after rotation of the main motor. The motor lock signal is detected for 1sec during rotation of the main motor.
E7-16Description: Abnormal laser output When the laser output is stopped, HSYNC is detected.
L4-32Description: Exhaust fan motor lock detection trouble The error detection is started after 2 sec from starting rotation of the exhaust fan motor. 1) The continuous rotation state of 250ms is not detected for 1 sec after starting detection. 2) When the lo

Sharp AR5420 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

L3-00Description: Scanner return trouble The scanner does not complete returning in the specified time. The mirror is not in the home position when OC copying is started with the mirror standby in the home position.
E7-11Description: Shading trouble (White correction) The CCD white scan level is abnormal when the shading.
L4-01Description: Main motor lock detection The main motor does not rotate. The motor lock signal is detected for 1sec or more after rotation of the main motor. The motor lock signal is detected for 1sec during rotation of the main motor.
E7-16Description: Abnormal laser output When the laser output is stopped, HSYNC is detected.
L4-32Description: Exhaust fan motor lock detection trouble The error detection is started after 2 sec from starting rotation of the exhaust fan motor. 1) The continuous rotation state of 250ms is not detected for 1 sec after starting detection. 2) When the lo
L3-00Description: Scanner return trouble The scanner does not complete returning in the specified time. The mirror is not in the home position when OC copying is started with the mirror standby in the home position.
E7-11Description: Shading trouble (White correction) The CCD white scan level is abnormal when the shading.
L4-01Description: Main motor lock detection The main motor does not rotate. The motor lock signal is detected for 1sec or more after rotation of the main motor. The motor lock signal is detected for 1sec during rotation of the main motor.
E7-16Description: Abnormal laser output When the laser output is stopped, HSYNC is detected.
L4-32Description: Exhaust fan motor lock detection trouble The error detection is started after 2 sec from starting rotation of the exhaust fan motor. 1) The continuous rotation state of 250ms is not detected for 1 sec after starting detection. 2) When the lo