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Sharp AR451N Top Searches

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F1-35Description: Console finisher punch side registration sensor trouble Sensor input value abnormality
EUDescription: Auto developer adjustment trouble (Under-toner) The toner concentration output is detected as 3.5V or above in the auto development adjustment.
U1-02Description: RTC read abnormality (common with FAX, on ICU PWB) The value read from RTC on ICU PWB is [EE]h (abnormal).
F1-81Description: Console finisher transport motor abnormality Transport motor trouble
F1-11Description: Finisher bundle exit motor trouble Bundle exit motor operation abnormality

Sharp AR451N Common Errors

The most common error codes.

F1-35Description: Console finisher punch side registration sensor trouble Sensor input value abnormality
EUDescription: Auto developer adjustment trouble (Under-toner) The toner concentration output is detected as 3.5V or above in the auto development adjustment.
U1-02Description: RTC read abnormality (common with FAX, on ICU PWB) The value read from RTC on ICU PWB is [EE]h (abnormal).
F1-81Description: Console finisher transport motor abnormality Transport motor trouble
F1-11Description: Finisher bundle exit motor trouble Bundle exit motor operation abnormality
F1-35Description: Console finisher punch side registration sensor trouble Sensor input value abnormality
EUDescription: Auto developer adjustment trouble (Under-toner) The toner concentration output is detected as 3.5V or above in the auto development adjustment.
U1-02Description: RTC read abnormality (common with FAX, on ICU PWB) The value read from RTC on ICU PWB is [EE]h (abnormal).
F1-81Description: Console finisher transport motor abnormality Transport motor trouble
F1-11Description: Finisher bundle exit motor trouble Bundle exit motor operation abnormality