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Sharp AR350LP Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

H3 01, H3 HL2Description: Fusing section high temperature trouble. The fusing temperature exceeds 242°C. (An input voltage of 0.27V or above is detected.)
F1 11Description: Console finisher (AR-FN7) bundle exit motor trouble. Bundle exit motor operation abnormality
U6 01Description: Desk/LCC No. 1 tray lift-up trouble
F1 20Description: Finisher (AR-FN6) rear alignment motor trouble. Rear alignment motor operation abnormality
F1 36Description: Console finisher (AR-FN7) punch (AR-PN1) timing sensor trouble. Sensor input value abnormality

Sharp AR350LP Common Errors

The most common error codes.

H3 01, H3 HL2Description: Fusing section high temperature trouble. The fusing temperature exceeds 242°C. (An input voltage of 0.27V or above is detected.)
F1 11Description: Console finisher (AR-FN7) bundle exit motor trouble. Bundle exit motor operation abnormality
U6 01Description: Desk/LCC No. 1 tray lift-up trouble
F1 20Description: Finisher (AR-FN6) rear alignment motor trouble. Rear alignment motor operation abnormality
F1 36Description: Console finisher (AR-FN7) punch (AR-PN1) timing sensor trouble. Sensor input value abnormality
H3 01, H3 HL2Description: Fusing section high temperature trouble. The fusing temperature exceeds 242°C. (An input voltage of 0.27V or above is detected.)
F1 11Description: Console finisher (AR-FN7) bundle exit motor trouble. Bundle exit motor operation abnormality
U6 01Description: Desk/LCC No. 1 tray lift-up trouble
F1 20Description: Finisher (AR-FN6) rear alignment motor trouble. Rear alignment motor operation abnormality
F1 36Description: Console finisher (AR-FN7) punch (AR-PN1) timing sensor trouble. Sensor input value abnormality