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Sharp AR317S Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

F1-19Description: Alignment motor (F) trouble Alignment motor operation abnormality
F9-10Description: Printer PWB trouble Communication trouble between MCU and printer PWB
U2-20Description: Machine speed code data error The machine (Boot) speed information is not identical to the model code speed information.
E1-16Description: IMC board compression image store memory error Access error of IMC standard compression memory
F1-37Description: Backup RAM trouble Backup RAM contents are disturbed

Sharp AR317S Common Errors

The most common error codes.

F1-19Description: Alignment motor (F) trouble Alignment motor operation abnormality
F9-10Description: Printer PWB trouble Communication trouble between MCU and printer PWB
U2-20Description: Machine speed code data error The machine (Boot) speed information is not identical to the model code speed information.
E1-16Description: IMC board compression image store memory error Access error of IMC standard compression memory
F1-37Description: Backup RAM trouble Backup RAM contents are disturbed
F1-19Description: Alignment motor (F) trouble Alignment motor operation abnormality
F9-10Description: Printer PWB trouble Communication trouble between MCU and printer PWB
U2-20Description: Machine speed code data error The machine (Boot) speed information is not identical to the model code speed information.
E1-16Description: IMC board compression image store memory error Access error of IMC standard compression memory
F1-37Description: Backup RAM trouble Backup RAM contents are disturbed