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Sharp AR285N Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

C2 00Description: TC trouble. Transfer charger output error (output short-circuiting) Trouble signal from high-voltage transformer
L4 01Description: Main motor lock detection. Motor lock signal is detected for 1.5 seconds during main motor rotation
F2 37Description: Drum marking sensor gain adjustment error. When the drum marking area surface is scanned with the drum marking sensor before starting process control and the sensor gain is adjusted until a constant output is provided, the output is not cons
U5 01Description: RADF resist sensor detection trouble
F1 00Description: Finisher communication trouble. Communication line test error occurs when power is turned on or after the exit of a simulation mode. Improper communication with sorter

Sharp AR285N Common Errors

The most common error codes.

C2 00Description: TC trouble. Transfer charger output error (output short-circuiting) Trouble signal from high-voltage transformer
L4 01Description: Main motor lock detection. Motor lock signal is detected for 1.5 seconds during main motor rotation
F2 37Description: Drum marking sensor gain adjustment error. When the drum marking area surface is scanned with the drum marking sensor before starting process control and the sensor gain is adjusted until a constant output is provided, the output is not cons
U5 01Description: RADF resist sensor detection trouble
F1 00Description: Finisher communication trouble. Communication line test error occurs when power is turned on or after the exit of a simulation mode. Improper communication with sorter
C2 00Description: TC trouble. Transfer charger output error (output short-circuiting) Trouble signal from high-voltage transformer
L4 01Description: Main motor lock detection. Motor lock signal is detected for 1.5 seconds during main motor rotation
F2 37Description: Drum marking sensor gain adjustment error. When the drum marking area surface is scanned with the drum marking sensor before starting process control and the sensor gain is adjusted until a constant output is provided, the output is not cons
U5 01Description: RADF resist sensor detection trouble
F1 00Description: Finisher communication trouble. Communication line test error occurs when power is turned on or after the exit of a simulation mode. Improper communication with sorter