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Sharp AL1001 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

H4-00Description: Heat roller abnormally low temperature
L1-00Description: Feed is not completed within the specified time.
CHDescription: TD cartridge not installed
L3-00Description: Return is not completed within the specified time.
E7-03Description: HSYNC cannot be detected.

Sharp AL1001 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

H4-00Description: Heat roller abnormally low temperature
L1-00Description: Feed is not completed within the specified time.
CHDescription: TD cartridge not installed
L3-00Description: Return is not completed within the specified time.
E7-03Description: HSYNC cannot be detected.
H4-00Description: Heat roller abnormally low temperature
L1-00Description: Feed is not completed within the specified time.
CHDescription: TD cartridge not installed
L3-00Description: Return is not completed within the specified time.
E7-03Description: HSYNC cannot be detected.