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Samsung SF340 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

26Description: Defective FAX FORWARD/RECEIVE The FAX FORWARD/RECEIVE is not functioning.
05Description: Paper Jam. The paper is jammed inside the set and not exited from.
16Description: Blank Page Print Out (When Copying). Blank page is printed out when copying.
27Description: Defective FAX FORWARD. RECEIVE is functioning, but FORWARD is not functioning or the received data are broken.
06Description: Defective Paper Feed (1) A recording paper is tilted while feeding.

Samsung SF340 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

26Description: Defective FAX FORWARD/RECEIVE The FAX FORWARD/RECEIVE is not functioning.
05Description: Paper Jam. The paper is jammed inside the set and not exited from.
16Description: Blank Page Print Out (When Copying). Blank page is printed out when copying.
27Description: Defective FAX FORWARD. RECEIVE is functioning, but FORWARD is not functioning or the received data are broken.
06Description: Defective Paper Feed (1) A recording paper is tilted while feeding.
26Description: Defective FAX FORWARD/RECEIVE The FAX FORWARD/RECEIVE is not functioning.
05Description: Paper Jam. The paper is jammed inside the set and not exited from.
16Description: Blank Page Print Out (When Copying). Blank page is printed out when copying.
27Description: Defective FAX FORWARD. RECEIVE is functioning, but FORWARD is not functioning or the received data are broken.
06Description: Defective Paper Feed (1) A recording paper is tilted while feeding.