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Samsung ML84 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

1-060Description: The printed image is dark.
1-094Description: Ghost occurs in printing at 56mm intervals
3-030Description: PAPER EMPTY message when paper is present in the cassette.
3-120Description: When turning on, all LED are continuously lightening.
2-020Description: 1. Recording paper does not feed into the printer. 2. Recording paper feeds, and ‘Jam 0’ occurs.

Samsung ML84 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

1-060Description: The printed image is dark.
1-094Description: Ghost occurs in printing at 56mm intervals
3-030Description: PAPER EMPTY message when paper is present in the cassette.
3-120Description: When turning on, all LED are continuously lightening.
2-020Description: 1. Recording paper does not feed into the printer. 2. Recording paper feeds, and ‘Jam 0’ occurs.
1-060Description: The printed image is dark.
1-094Description: Ghost occurs in printing at 56mm intervals
3-030Description: PAPER EMPTY message when paper is present in the cassette.
3-120Description: When turning on, all LED are continuously lightening.
2-020Description: 1. Recording paper does not feed into the printer. 2. Recording paper feeds, and ‘Jam 0’ occurs.