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Samsung ML2550 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

10Description: Ghost occurs at 96 mm intervals of the OPC drum in the whole printing. (When printing on card stock or transparencies using manual feeder)
21Description: Multiple sheets of paper are fed at once.
32Description: When system power is turned on, all lamps on the operator panel do not come on.
11Description: White ghost occurs in the black image printing at 51mm intervals.
22Description: If contaminated at intervals of 57mm on the back of a paper.

Samsung ML2550 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

10Description: Ghost occurs at 96 mm intervals of the OPC drum in the whole printing. (When printing on card stock or transparencies using manual feeder)
21Description: Multiple sheets of paper are fed at once.
32Description: When system power is turned on, all lamps on the operator panel do not come on.
11Description: White ghost occurs in the black image printing at 51mm intervals.
22Description: If contaminated at intervals of 57mm on the back of a paper.
10Description: Ghost occurs at 96 mm intervals of the OPC drum in the whole printing. (When printing on card stock or transparencies using manual feeder)
21Description: Multiple sheets of paper are fed at once.
32Description: When system power is turned on, all lamps on the operator panel do not come on.
11Description: White ghost occurs in the black image printing at 51mm intervals.
22Description: If contaminated at intervals of 57mm on the back of a paper.