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Samsung ProXpress M4560FX Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

61-1500Description: Unverified application(s) installed. Please contact administrator
U1-213x, U1-23xxDescription: Fuser unit Failure: #U1-2xxx. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
S2-4310Description: Rear door is open. Close the door
H1-1310, H1-1311Description: Paper jam in tray 3. Please open the door and remove paper, then close the door.
H1-1453Description: Tray Failure: #H1-1453. Pull tray 4 out and insert it. Call for service if the problem persists

Samsung ProXpress M4560FX Common Errors

The most common error codes.

61-1500Description: Unverified application(s) installed. Please contact administrator
U1-213x, U1-23xxDescription: Fuser unit Failure: #U1-2xxx. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
S2-4310Description: Rear door is open. Close the door
H1-1310, H1-1311Description: Paper jam in tray 3. Please open the door and remove paper, then close the door.
H1-1453Description: Tray Failure: #H1-1453. Pull tray 4 out and insert it. Call for service if the problem persists
61-1500Description: Unverified application(s) installed. Please contact administrator
U1-213x, U1-23xxDescription: Fuser unit Failure: #U1-2xxx. Turn off then on. Call for service if the problem persists
S2-4310Description: Rear door is open. Close the door
H1-1310, H1-1311Description: Paper jam in tray 3. Please open the door and remove paper, then close the door.
H1-1453Description: Tray Failure: #H1-1453. Pull tray 4 out and insert it. Call for service if the problem persists