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Samsung CLX6250FX Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

21-018Description: There is the paper in tray2 but error message is displayed.
02-000Description: At Warm-up, this error has occurred. The machine does not work until power off/on. If the error code reoccurs, follow the Troubleshooting method below
08-004, 08-006Description: The bottom edge of the document failed to pass the scan sensor after the leadedge of the document has reached to the duplex sensor and scan sensor.
21-019Description: Tray2 cassette is inserted in machine but error message is displayed.
02-001, 02-006Description: At Warm-up, this error has occurred. The machine does not work until power off/on. If the error code reoccurs, follow the Troubleshooting method below.

Samsung CLX6250FX Common Errors

The most common error codes.

21-018Description: There is the paper in tray2 but error message is displayed.
02-000Description: At Warm-up, this error has occurred. The machine does not work until power off/on. If the error code reoccurs, follow the Troubleshooting method below
08-004, 08-006Description: The bottom edge of the document failed to pass the scan sensor after the leadedge of the document has reached to the duplex sensor and scan sensor.
21-019Description: Tray2 cassette is inserted in machine but error message is displayed.
02-001, 02-006Description: At Warm-up, this error has occurred. The machine does not work until power off/on. If the error code reoccurs, follow the Troubleshooting method below.
21-018Description: There is the paper in tray2 but error message is displayed.
02-000Description: At Warm-up, this error has occurred. The machine does not work until power off/on. If the error code reoccurs, follow the Troubleshooting method below
08-004, 08-006Description: The bottom edge of the document failed to pass the scan sensor after the leadedge of the document has reached to the duplex sensor and scan sensor.
21-019Description: Tray2 cassette is inserted in machine but error message is displayed.
02-001, 02-006Description: At Warm-up, this error has occurred. The machine does not work until power off/on. If the error code reoccurs, follow the Troubleshooting method below.