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Roland XJ640 SolJet pro III Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

0103Description: Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of Limit Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0130Description: There is a problem with Thermistor for Print Heater.
0104Description: Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of Capping Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0135Description: Print Heater temperature has reached 60?°C and above.
0002Description: Disorder of communication with Sub CPU This occurs when the Sub CPU is not detected after turning on the machine

Roland XJ640 SolJet pro III Common Errors

The most common error codes.

0103Description: Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of Limit Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0130Description: There is a problem with Thermistor for Print Heater.
0104Description: Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of Capping Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0135Description: Print Heater temperature has reached 60?°C and above.
0002Description: Disorder of communication with Sub CPU This occurs when the Sub CPU is not detected after turning on the machine
0103Description: Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of Limit Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0130Description: There is a problem with Thermistor for Print Heater.
0104Description: Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of Capping Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0135Description: Print Heater temperature has reached 60?°C and above.
0002Description: Disorder of communication with Sub CPU This occurs when the Sub CPU is not detected after turning on the machine