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Roland SJ540 Hi-Fi Jet ProII Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

0004Description: Feed Motor Overcurrent Error 1 (Big load is put on the motor instantaneously.)
0107Description: Unset up of the Linear Encoder Linear Encoder Setup has not been done.
0008Description: Feed Motor Overcurrent Error 2 (A little load is put on the motor for a long time.)
0108Description: Wiper Unit Protection Error Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of the Wiper Height Sensor does not become to reach the expected value.
0010Description: Scan Motor Deviation Error

Roland SJ540 Hi-Fi Jet ProII Common Errors

The most common error codes.

0004Description: Feed Motor Overcurrent Error 1 (Big load is put on the motor instantaneously.)
0107Description: Unset up of the Linear Encoder Linear Encoder Setup has not been done.
0008Description: Feed Motor Overcurrent Error 2 (A little load is put on the motor for a long time.)
0108Description: Wiper Unit Protection Error Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of the Wiper Height Sensor does not become to reach the expected value.
0010Description: Scan Motor Deviation Error
0004Description: Feed Motor Overcurrent Error 1 (Big load is put on the motor instantaneously.)
0107Description: Unset up of the Linear Encoder Linear Encoder Setup has not been done.
0008Description: Feed Motor Overcurrent Error 2 (A little load is put on the motor for a long time.)
0108Description: Wiper Unit Protection Error Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of the Wiper Height Sensor does not become to reach the expected value.
0010Description: Scan Motor Deviation Error