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Roland SJ1000 SolJet proII Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

0108Description: Wiper Unit Protection Errorder Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of the Wiper Height Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0109Description: Wiper Protection Error Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of the Wiper Origin Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0110Description: Linear Encoder Error Input value from Linear Encoder is not changed when Linear Encoder is set up the Origin. When Motor stops during printing, Motor does not complete the movement which is supposed to be done.
0120Description: Thermistor error (Print heater) The abnormalities of a thermistor for Print heater
0121Description: Thermistor error (Pre-heater R) The abnormalities of a thermistor for Pre-heater R

Roland SJ1000 SolJet proII Common Errors

The most common error codes.

0108Description: Wiper Unit Protection Errorder Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of the Wiper Height Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0109Description: Wiper Protection Error Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of the Wiper Origin Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0110Description: Linear Encoder Error Input value from Linear Encoder is not changed when Linear Encoder is set up the Origin. When Motor stops during printing, Motor does not complete the movement which is supposed to be done.
0120Description: Thermistor error (Print heater) The abnormalities of a thermistor for Print heater
0121Description: Thermistor error (Pre-heater R) The abnormalities of a thermistor for Pre-heater R
0108Description: Wiper Unit Protection Errorder Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of the Wiper Height Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0109Description: Wiper Protection Error Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of the Wiper Origin Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0110Description: Linear Encoder Error Input value from Linear Encoder is not changed when Linear Encoder is set up the Origin. When Motor stops during printing, Motor does not complete the movement which is supposed to be done.
0120Description: Thermistor error (Print heater) The abnormalities of a thermistor for Print heater
0121Description: Thermistor error (Pre-heater R) The abnormalities of a thermistor for Pre-heater R