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Panasonic UF6000 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

502Description: During reception, CD turned OFF or continued ON for long time. During communication, lost loop - current.
408Description: Transmitter received RTN after it transmitted EOP, MPS, or EOM.
031Description: Transmitting document was longer than 2 meter (or 78.7 in).
880Description: File Access Error.
555Description: Transmitted PIN after receiving EOR.

Panasonic UF6000 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

502Description: During reception, CD turned OFF or continued ON for long time. During communication, lost loop - current.
408Description: Transmitter received RTN after it transmitted EOP, MPS, or EOM.
031Description: Transmitting document was longer than 2 meter (or 78.7 in).
880Description: File Access Error.
555Description: Transmitted PIN after receiving EOR.
502Description: During reception, CD turned OFF or continued ON for long time. During communication, lost loop - current.
408Description: Transmitter received RTN after it transmitted EOP, MPS, or EOM.
031Description: Transmitting document was longer than 2 meter (or 78.7 in).
880Description: File Access Error.
555Description: Transmitted PIN after receiving EOR.