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Panasonic UF595 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

580Description: Sub-address transmission to a unit that has their DIS bit 49 (NSF bit 155) OFF.
400Description: T1 timer (35±5 sec.) elapsed without detecting 300 bps signal.
411Description: Received DCN after transmitting NSC.
456Description: Received relay transfer request or confidential document to distribute to an end receiving station or all confidential mailboxes are used.
001Description: Leading edge of the recording paper fails to reach the Timing Sensor. (1st Cassette)

Panasonic UF595 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

580Description: Sub-address transmission to a unit that has their DIS bit 49 (NSF bit 155) OFF.
400Description: T1 timer (35±5 sec.) elapsed without detecting 300 bps signal.
411Description: Received DCN after transmitting NSC.
456Description: Received relay transfer request or confidential document to distribute to an end receiving station or all confidential mailboxes are used.
001Description: Leading edge of the recording paper fails to reach the Timing Sensor. (1st Cassette)
580Description: Sub-address transmission to a unit that has their DIS bit 49 (NSF bit 155) OFF.
400Description: T1 timer (35±5 sec.) elapsed without detecting 300 bps signal.
411Description: Received DCN after transmitting NSC.
456Description: Received relay transfer request or confidential document to distribute to an end receiving station or all confidential mailboxes are used.
001Description: Leading edge of the recording paper fails to reach the Timing Sensor. (1st Cassette)