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Panasonic UF580 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

540Description: No response after transmitting 3rd CTC or DCN received.
816Description: "The received Polling Password did not match. The machine does not have Confidential Comm. capability."
012Description: The length of the received document is over 2 meter (78.7in).
581Description: Sub-address Password transmission to a unit that has their DIS bit 50 (NSF bit 156) OFF.
200Description: Decoding process is not completed at the end of phase C.

Panasonic UF580 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

540Description: No response after transmitting 3rd CTC or DCN received.
816Description: "The received Polling Password did not match. The machine does not have Confidential Comm. capability."
012Description: The length of the received document is over 2 meter (78.7in).
581Description: Sub-address Password transmission to a unit that has their DIS bit 50 (NSF bit 156) OFF.
200Description: Decoding process is not completed at the end of phase C.
540Description: No response after transmitting 3rd CTC or DCN received.
816Description: "The received Polling Password did not match. The machine does not have Confidential Comm. capability."
012Description: The length of the received document is over 2 meter (78.7in).
581Description: Sub-address Password transmission to a unit that has their DIS bit 50 (NSF bit 156) OFF.
200Description: Decoding process is not completed at the end of phase C.