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Panasonic UF5100 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

494Description: Interval between two EOLs was more than 10 sec. when receiver received message data.
212Description: Interface error occurred between the CPU and modem.
407Description: Transmitter received no response after it transmitted post message, such as EOP, MPS, EOM, etc...or received DCN.
543Description: T5 timer (60 sec.) elapsed without MCF.
800Description: The machine was requested to relay a document but has no Relay Hub capability.

Panasonic UF5100 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

494Description: Interval between two EOLs was more than 10 sec. when receiver received message data.
212Description: Interface error occurred between the CPU and modem.
407Description: Transmitter received no response after it transmitted post message, such as EOP, MPS, EOM, etc...or received DCN.
543Description: T5 timer (60 sec.) elapsed without MCF.
800Description: The machine was requested to relay a document but has no Relay Hub capability.
494Description: Interval between two EOLs was more than 10 sec. when receiver received message data.
212Description: Interface error occurred between the CPU and modem.
407Description: Transmitter received no response after it transmitted post message, such as EOP, MPS, EOM, etc...or received DCN.
543Description: T5 timer (60 sec.) elapsed without MCF.
800Description: The machine was requested to relay a document but has no Relay Hub capability.