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Panasonic DP2010E Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

J00Description: The Registration Sensor did not detect paper within a predetermined time after paper started feeding. (Sheet Bypass)
J80Description: The Automatic Duplex Unit Sensor 1 does not detect paper within a predetermined time.
J24Description: The 4th Registration Sensor detect paper at the time of the initials.
J91Description: A Paper Tray is pulled out when feeding a paper.
E4-10Description: Exhaust Fan Motor Rotation (Fuser Unit Side)

Panasonic DP2010E Common Errors

The most common error codes.

J00Description: The Registration Sensor did not detect paper within a predetermined time after paper started feeding. (Sheet Bypass)
J80Description: The Automatic Duplex Unit Sensor 1 does not detect paper within a predetermined time.
J24Description: The 4th Registration Sensor detect paper at the time of the initials.
J91Description: A Paper Tray is pulled out when feeding a paper.
E4-10Description: Exhaust Fan Motor Rotation (Fuser Unit Side)
J00Description: The Registration Sensor did not detect paper within a predetermined time after paper started feeding. (Sheet Bypass)
J80Description: The Automatic Duplex Unit Sensor 1 does not detect paper within a predetermined time.
J24Description: The 4th Registration Sensor detect paper at the time of the initials.
J91Description: A Paper Tray is pulled out when feeding a paper.
E4-10Description: Exhaust Fan Motor Rotation (Fuser Unit Side)