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OKI MC760 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

C46A, C46BDescription: Compensation Heater Temp high Compensation Heater Temp Low
F03A ... F03DDescription: Detection of an unsupported toner cartridge. An unsupported toner cartridge has been detected. F03A:Black toner cartridge position F03B:Yellow toner cartridge position F03C:Magenta toner cartridge position F03D:Cyan toner cartridge position
E02ADescription: Occur jam and Paper on the Exit Path
E20ADescription: Occur jam and Paper on the Feed Path
C5B0Description: Duplex Clock Adjust Error

OKI MC760 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

C46A, C46BDescription: Compensation Heater Temp high Compensation Heater Temp Low
F03A ... F03DDescription: Detection of an unsupported toner cartridge. An unsupported toner cartridge has been detected. F03A:Black toner cartridge position F03B:Yellow toner cartridge position F03C:Magenta toner cartridge position F03D:Cyan toner cartridge position
E02ADescription: Occur jam and Paper on the Exit Path
E20ADescription: Occur jam and Paper on the Feed Path
C5B0Description: Duplex Clock Adjust Error
C46A, C46BDescription: Compensation Heater Temp high Compensation Heater Temp Low
F03A ... F03DDescription: Detection of an unsupported toner cartridge. An unsupported toner cartridge has been detected. F03A:Black toner cartridge position F03B:Yellow toner cartridge position F03C:Magenta toner cartridge position F03D:Cyan toner cartridge position
E02ADescription: Occur jam and Paper on the Exit Path
E20ADescription: Occur jam and Paper on the Feed Path
C5B0Description: Duplex Clock Adjust Error