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OKI MC562 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

002, 006, 009, 011Description: CPU Exception
890Description: SU System Memory Overflow
128:05Description: Image drum fan error
168Description: Compensation thermistor error
057Description: The timeout of command communication of the scanner The timeout of command communication was detected between the Controller and scanner unit (A sub code indicates a cause). 01: There is no ACK for a command to start scanning. 02: There is

OKI MC562 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

002, 006, 009, 011Description: CPU Exception
890Description: SU System Memory Overflow
128:05Description: Image drum fan error
168Description: Compensation thermistor error
057Description: The timeout of command communication of the scanner The timeout of command communication was detected between the Controller and scanner unit (A sub code indicates a cause). 01: There is no ACK for a command to start scanning. 02: There is
002, 006, 009, 011Description: CPU Exception
890Description: SU System Memory Overflow
128:05Description: Image drum fan error
168Description: Compensation thermistor error
057Description: The timeout of command communication of the scanner The timeout of command communication was detected between the Controller and scanner unit (A sub code indicates a cause). 01: There is no ACK for a command to start scanning. 02: There is