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OKI MC362 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

123Description: Ambient humidity error or non connection of humidity sensor
175Description: A backup thermistor open circuit was detected (low temperature)
042 ... 045Description: Flash memory file system error Accessing the flash ROM directly mounted on the CU/ PU board failed.
983Description: Duplicate toner cartridge detection error Multiple toner cartridges for the same color ware detected.
256, 257Description: SD card error

OKI MC362 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

123Description: Ambient humidity error or non connection of humidity sensor
175Description: A backup thermistor open circuit was detected (low temperature)
042 ... 045Description: Flash memory file system error Accessing the flash ROM directly mounted on the CU/ PU board failed.
983Description: Duplicate toner cartridge detection error Multiple toner cartridges for the same color ware detected.
256, 257Description: SD card error
123Description: Ambient humidity error or non connection of humidity sensor
175Description: A backup thermistor open circuit was detected (low temperature)
042 ... 045Description: Flash memory file system error Accessing the flash ROM directly mounted on the CU/ PU board failed.
983Description: Duplicate toner cartridge detection error Multiple toner cartridges for the same color ware detected.
256, 257Description: SD card error