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OKI MB780 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

914.01Description: Pick arm motor overspeed failure. The pick arm motor does not rotate at the specified speed.
952.xxDescription: NVRAM failure A recoverable MVRAM Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) error occurred.
920.51Description: Fuser warm-up failure Fuser type = 1 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The fuser hot roll took too long to heat up after transitioning to new enhanced mode within standby control only.
922.81Description: Fuser warm-up failure Fuser type = 2 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The fuser hot roll did not reach operating temperature within new enhanced control.
920.82Description: Fuser warm-up failure Fuser type = 2 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The fuser hot roll temperature is not maintained properly while the media in the fuser nip.

OKI MB780 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

914.01Description: Pick arm motor overspeed failure. The pick arm motor does not rotate at the specified speed.
952.xxDescription: NVRAM failure A recoverable MVRAM Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) error occurred.
920.51Description: Fuser warm-up failure Fuser type = 1 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The fuser hot roll took too long to heat up after transitioning to new enhanced mode within standby control only.
922.81Description: Fuser warm-up failure Fuser type = 2 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The fuser hot roll did not reach operating temperature within new enhanced control.
920.82Description: Fuser warm-up failure Fuser type = 2 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The fuser hot roll temperature is not maintained properly while the media in the fuser nip.
914.01Description: Pick arm motor overspeed failure. The pick arm motor does not rotate at the specified speed.
952.xxDescription: NVRAM failure A recoverable MVRAM Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) error occurred.
920.51Description: Fuser warm-up failure Fuser type = 1 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The fuser hot roll took too long to heat up after transitioning to new enhanced mode within standby control only.
922.81Description: Fuser warm-up failure Fuser type = 2 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The fuser hot roll did not reach operating temperature within new enhanced control.
920.82Description: Fuser warm-up failure Fuser type = 2 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The fuser hot roll temperature is not maintained properly while the media in the fuser nip.