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OKI ES3640MFP Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

172, 176Description: Thermistor indicates High Temperature (HOT) Error.
097Description: Inverter power supply Error
931Description: Duplex CPU Clock Frequency Error
030Description: CU Resident RAM Check Error
220Description: Print Satistic mismatch

OKI ES3640MFP Common Errors

The most common error codes.

172, 176Description: Thermistor indicates High Temperature (HOT) Error.
097Description: Inverter power supply Error
931Description: Duplex CPU Clock Frequency Error
030Description: CU Resident RAM Check Error
220Description: Print Satistic mismatch
172, 176Description: Thermistor indicates High Temperature (HOT) Error.
097Description: Inverter power supply Error
931Description: Duplex CPU Clock Frequency Error
030Description: CU Resident RAM Check Error
220Description: Print Satistic mismatch