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OKI C6100 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

176, 177Description: Abnormal (high) temperature of back up roller thermistor detected.
073Description: Video Error. A trouble was detected during image data development. (Illegal data received)
901, 902Description: Short or open in belt thermistor detected.
123Description: Abnormal environment humidty /Not connected humidity sensor.
030Description: CU RAM Check Error

OKI C6100 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

176, 177Description: Abnormal (high) temperature of back up roller thermistor detected.
073Description: Video Error. A trouble was detected during image data development. (Illegal data received)
901, 902Description: Short or open in belt thermistor detected.
123Description: Abnormal environment humidty /Not connected humidity sensor.
030Description: CU RAM Check Error
176, 177Description: Abnormal (high) temperature of back up roller thermistor detected.
073Description: Video Error. A trouble was detected during image data development. (Illegal data received)
901, 902Description: Short or open in belt thermistor detected.
123Description: Abnormal environment humidty /Not connected humidity sensor.
030Description: CU RAM Check Error