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OKI C6050 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

127Description: Error detected at the fuser unit cooling fan.
031Description: CU Optional RAM Check Error
181, 182Description: Option unit I/F error. (181 = Duplex Unit, 182 = Option Tray)
104Description: Engine EEPROM setting check is OK when power ON. Then detect read/ write error.
251Description: Secure Disk Erasing Error

OKI C6050 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

127Description: Error detected at the fuser unit cooling fan.
031Description: CU Optional RAM Check Error
181, 182Description: Option unit I/F error. (181 = Duplex Unit, 182 = Option Tray)
104Description: Engine EEPROM setting check is OK when power ON. Then detect read/ write error.
251Description: Secure Disk Erasing Error
127Description: Error detected at the fuser unit cooling fan.
031Description: CU Optional RAM Check Error
181, 182Description: Option unit I/F error. (181 = Duplex Unit, 182 = Option Tray)
104Description: Engine EEPROM setting check is OK when power ON. Then detect read/ write error.
251Description: Secure Disk Erasing Error