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OKI C110 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

0500Description: Fuser warm-up failure • The thermistor does not detect a predetermined temperature value even after the lapse of a predetermined period of time after the current warm-up cycle has been started and the current warm-up cycle is thus not comple
3C10Description: EPROM data error • Contact the responsible people of OKI when not returning in power switch OFF/ON.
0502Description: Thermistor open-circuit failure • The temperature detected by the thermistor does not reach a predetermined level even after the lapse of a given period time after the warm-up cycle has been started.
0001Description: Transport motor malfunction • The motor lock signal remains HIGH for a predetermined consecutive period of time while the transport motor remains energized. • The rack positioning sensor is in the blocked state when the rack motor remains de
0503Description: Thermistor resistance failure • The heater lamp remains ON for a predetermined consecutive period of time.

OKI C110 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

0500Description: Fuser warm-up failure • The thermistor does not detect a predetermined temperature value even after the lapse of a predetermined period of time after the current warm-up cycle has been started and the current warm-up cycle is thus not comple
3C10Description: EPROM data error • Contact the responsible people of OKI when not returning in power switch OFF/ON.
0502Description: Thermistor open-circuit failure • The temperature detected by the thermistor does not reach a predetermined level even after the lapse of a given period time after the warm-up cycle has been started.
0001Description: Transport motor malfunction • The motor lock signal remains HIGH for a predetermined consecutive period of time while the transport motor remains energized. • The rack positioning sensor is in the blocked state when the rack motor remains de
0503Description: Thermistor resistance failure • The heater lamp remains ON for a predetermined consecutive period of time.
0500Description: Fuser warm-up failure • The thermistor does not detect a predetermined temperature value even after the lapse of a predetermined period of time after the current warm-up cycle has been started and the current warm-up cycle is thus not comple
3C10Description: EPROM data error • Contact the responsible people of OKI when not returning in power switch OFF/ON.
0502Description: Thermistor open-circuit failure • The temperature detected by the thermistor does not reach a predetermined level even after the lapse of a given period time after the warm-up cycle has been started.
0001Description: Transport motor malfunction • The motor lock signal remains HIGH for a predetermined consecutive period of time while the transport motor remains energized. • The rack positioning sensor is in the blocked state when the rack motor remains de
0503Description: Thermistor resistance failure • The heater lamp remains ON for a predetermined consecutive period of time.