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OKI B8300 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

F2 39Description: Process thermistor open
F1 15Description: Console finisher (AR-FN7) lift motor trouble. Lift motor operation abnormality
EE EUDescription: Auto developer adjustment trouble (Under-toner) Detail The sample data is of 168 or above when auto developer adjustment is performed.
H5 01Description: 5-time continuous POD1 not-reaching jam detection
U2 91Description: PCU memory check sum error

OKI B8300 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

F2 39Description: Process thermistor open
F1 15Description: Console finisher (AR-FN7) lift motor trouble. Lift motor operation abnormality
EE EUDescription: Auto developer adjustment trouble (Under-toner) Detail The sample data is of 168 or above when auto developer adjustment is performed.
H5 01Description: 5-time continuous POD1 not-reaching jam detection
U2 91Description: PCU memory check sum error
F2 39Description: Process thermistor open
F1 15Description: Console finisher (AR-FN7) lift motor trouble. Lift motor operation abnormality
EE EUDescription: Auto developer adjustment trouble (Under-toner) Detail The sample data is of 168 or above when auto developer adjustment is performed.
H5 01Description: 5-time continuous POD1 not-reaching jam detection
U2 91Description: PCU memory check sum error