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OKI B721 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

113Description: Detected illegal 3rd Tray.
911, 912Description: The Geared Motor Error at the Optional Tray. 911:Tray2 912 Tray3
945Description: SDRAM access at power on failed.
163Description: Error detected by toner sensor. (163=K) This error does not occur with the factory default settings.
207, 208Description: An error was detected of the CU program. (These problems are not occurred in the usual operating.)

OKI B721 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

113Description: Detected illegal 3rd Tray.
911, 912Description: The Geared Motor Error at the Optional Tray. 911:Tray2 912 Tray3
945Description: SDRAM access at power on failed.
163Description: Error detected by toner sensor. (163=K) This error does not occur with the factory default settings.
207, 208Description: An error was detected of the CU program. (These problems are not occurred in the usual operating.)
113Description: Detected illegal 3rd Tray.
911, 912Description: The Geared Motor Error at the Optional Tray. 911:Tray2 912 Tray3
945Description: SDRAM access at power on failed.
163Description: Error detected by toner sensor. (163=K) This error does not occur with the factory default settings.
207, 208Description: An error was detected of the CU program. (These problems are not occurred in the usual operating.)