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Minolta EP2131 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E1Description: Developer set up problem (probably tape on cartridge)
E2Description: F4 (fuse in IU) did not blow at end of setup, or the machine went through 5 ATDC setups
J1Description: Feed jam
J3Description: Exit jam
J8Description: Single sheet document handler jam

Minolta EP2131 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E1Description: Developer set up problem (probably tape on cartridge)
E2Description: F4 (fuse in IU) did not blow at end of setup, or the machine went through 5 ATDC setups
J1Description: Feed jam
J3Description: Exit jam
J8Description: Single sheet document handler jam
E1Description: Developer set up problem (probably tape on cartridge)
E2Description: F4 (fuse in IU) did not blow at end of setup, or the machine went through 5 ATDC setups
J1Description: Feed jam
J3Description: Exit jam
J8Description: Single sheet document handler jam