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Lexmark X950 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

62Description: Disk full
115.10Description: Service printhead error Single LED printhead write failure Communication failed between the upper engine PCBA and one LED printhead.
980.04Description: Service duplex comm. Duplex controller card assembly communication failure A communication error occurred between the printer engine card assembly and the duplex controller card assembly.
82.xxDescription: Waste toner bottle missing
132.04Description: Service engine error ATC sensor(C) failure There is an error at the ATC sensor.

Lexmark X950 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

62Description: Disk full
115.10Description: Service printhead error Single LED printhead write failure Communication failed between the upper engine PCBA and one LED printhead.
980.04Description: Service duplex comm. Duplex controller card assembly communication failure A communication error occurred between the printer engine card assembly and the duplex controller card assembly.
82.xxDescription: Waste toner bottle missing
132.04Description: Service engine error ATC sensor(C) failure There is an error at the ATC sensor.
62Description: Disk full
115.10Description: Service printhead error Single LED printhead write failure Communication failed between the upper engine PCBA and one LED printhead.
980.04Description: Service duplex comm. Duplex controller card assembly communication failure A communication error occurred between the printer engine card assembly and the duplex controller card assembly.
82.xxDescription: Waste toner bottle missing
132.04Description: Service engine error ATC sensor(C) failure There is an error at the ATC sensor.