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Lexmark X864de Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

842.11Description: Service scanner failure Scanner communication failure (by scanner) Communication failure occurred between the scanner controller card assembly and the RIP card assembly.
982.01Description: Service finisher error Sensor (front tamper HP) off failure
843.25Description: Service scanner failure Scanner controller card assembly failure 1 An internal processing failure occurred in the scanner controller card assembly.
981.00Description: Service finisher error Stacker bin failure
242.00Description: Paper jam Check area tray 2 Sensor (pre-feed) on jam (tray 2 feed) The sensor (pre-feed) tray 2 is not turned on within the specified time after the tray 2 media feed lift motor is turned on.

Lexmark X864de Common Errors

The most common error codes.

842.11Description: Service scanner failure Scanner communication failure (by scanner) Communication failure occurred between the scanner controller card assembly and the RIP card assembly.
982.01Description: Service finisher error Sensor (front tamper HP) off failure
843.25Description: Service scanner failure Scanner controller card assembly failure 1 An internal processing failure occurred in the scanner controller card assembly.
981.00Description: Service finisher error Stacker bin failure
242.00Description: Paper jam Check area tray 2 Sensor (pre-feed) on jam (tray 2 feed) The sensor (pre-feed) tray 2 is not turned on within the specified time after the tray 2 media feed lift motor is turned on.
842.11Description: Service scanner failure Scanner communication failure (by scanner) Communication failure occurred between the scanner controller card assembly and the RIP card assembly.
982.01Description: Service finisher error Sensor (front tamper HP) off failure
843.25Description: Service scanner failure Scanner controller card assembly failure 1 An internal processing failure occurred in the scanner controller card assembly.
981.00Description: Service finisher error Stacker bin failure
242.00Description: Paper jam Check area tray 2 Sensor (pre-feed) on jam (tray 2 feed) The sensor (pre-feed) tray 2 is not turned on within the specified time after the tray 2 media feed lift motor is turned on.