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Lexmark X658 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

925.76Description: Incorrect fuser or fuser lamp detected. Fuser type = 2 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The machine detected a 115 V lamp in a 220 V machine. The fuser lamp has an excessive wattage rating.
959.xxDescription: Print cartridge authentication failure The system card can not properly authenticate the print cartridge or the authentication process has failed.
920.51Description: Fuser warm-up failure Fuser type = 1 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The fuser hot roll took too long to heat up after transitioning to new enhanced mode within standby control only.
906.xxDescription: RIP interface driver error Code detected unusual event or timing.
922.50Description: Fuser warm-up failure Fuser type = 1 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The fuser hot roll failed to reach target temperature.

Lexmark X658 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

925.76Description: Incorrect fuser or fuser lamp detected. Fuser type = 2 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The machine detected a 115 V lamp in a 220 V machine. The fuser lamp has an excessive wattage rating.
959.xxDescription: Print cartridge authentication failure The system card can not properly authenticate the print cartridge or the authentication process has failed.
920.51Description: Fuser warm-up failure Fuser type = 1 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The fuser hot roll took too long to heat up after transitioning to new enhanced mode within standby control only.
906.xxDescription: RIP interface driver error Code detected unusual event or timing.
922.50Description: Fuser warm-up failure Fuser type = 1 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The fuser hot roll failed to reach target temperature.
925.76Description: Incorrect fuser or fuser lamp detected. Fuser type = 2 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The machine detected a 115 V lamp in a 220 V machine. The fuser lamp has an excessive wattage rating.
959.xxDescription: Print cartridge authentication failure The system card can not properly authenticate the print cartridge or the authentication process has failed.
920.51Description: Fuser warm-up failure Fuser type = 1 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The fuser hot roll took too long to heat up after transitioning to new enhanced mode within standby control only.
906.xxDescription: RIP interface driver error Code detected unusual event or timing.
922.50Description: Fuser warm-up failure Fuser type = 1 Fuser page count has exceeded life. The fuser hot roll failed to reach target temperature.