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Lexmark X364 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

58Description: Too Many Trays Attached
201.25, 201.26, 201.27Description: 201.25 Exit sensor never made by leading edge of media when feeding out the media that was detected during warm-up. 201.26 Page at fuser nip before fuser started ramping toward desired temperature. Indicates code may be receiving more interr
200.03Description: The video never started on the page at the input sensor within two inches after hitting the input sensor
956.00Description: RIP card failure: processor failure
54Description: Standard Network Software Error

Lexmark X364 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

58Description: Too Many Trays Attached
201.25, 201.26, 201.27Description: 201.25 Exit sensor never made by leading edge of media when feeding out the media that was detected during warm-up. 201.26 Page at fuser nip before fuser started ramping toward desired temperature. Indicates code may be receiving more interr
200.03Description: The video never started on the page at the input sensor within two inches after hitting the input sensor
956.00Description: RIP card failure: processor failure
54Description: Standard Network Software Error
58Description: Too Many Trays Attached
201.25, 201.26, 201.27Description: 201.25 Exit sensor never made by leading edge of media when feeding out the media that was detected during warm-up. 201.26 Page at fuser nip before fuser started ramping toward desired temperature. Indicates code may be receiving more interr
200.03Description: The video never started on the page at the input sensor within two inches after hitting the input sensor
956.00Description: RIP card failure: processor failure
54Description: Standard Network Software Error