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Lexmark T656dne Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

58Description: Invalid Tray Configuration Either no input trays or there are optional trays above the RFID option.
88Description: Cartridge Nearly Low This IR is displayed when cartridge low occurs and the cartridge low alarm is activated. If cartridge alarm is not activated, this is not an intervention condition.
54Description: Std Network Software Error This error displays when a network port is detected, but the printer cannot establish communications with it.
990.00 ... 990.14Description: Paperport failure
916.01Description: Internal duplex drive motor over speed failure The duplex drive motor does not rotate at the specified speed.

Lexmark T656dne Common Errors

The most common error codes.

58Description: Invalid Tray Configuration Either no input trays or there are optional trays above the RFID option.
88Description: Cartridge Nearly Low This IR is displayed when cartridge low occurs and the cartridge low alarm is activated. If cartridge alarm is not activated, this is not an intervention condition.
54Description: Std Network Software Error This error displays when a network port is detected, but the printer cannot establish communications with it.
990.00 ... 990.14Description: Paperport failure
916.01Description: Internal duplex drive motor over speed failure The duplex drive motor does not rotate at the specified speed.
58Description: Invalid Tray Configuration Either no input trays or there are optional trays above the RFID option.
88Description: Cartridge Nearly Low This IR is displayed when cartridge low occurs and the cartridge low alarm is activated. If cartridge alarm is not activated, this is not an intervention condition.
54Description: Std Network Software Error This error displays when a network port is detected, but the printer cannot establish communications with it.
990.00 ... 990.14Description: Paperport failure
916.01Description: Internal duplex drive motor over speed failure The duplex drive motor does not rotate at the specified speed.